
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. -Albert Einstein

Watching my children grow and learn is like watching a miracle happen everyday! I'm so excited and awed at the fact they learn so much! And then surprise me with their understanding of things I thought was past their grasp. They show me each and every day that they, and the rest of the human race, are living miracles. Show me how they are not! Woman should know best about this because if they've ever been pregnant, they know the awe of a miracle growing inside them. How wondrous it is! Some would just spout some science and say how science explains it all. Science can explain a lot, but some things are too complex or just to simple and wonderful to just explain away. So we "magically" decided one day in our primordial goo to come together and make something sentient? Or perhaps did the hand of God have something to do with it? I believe in a lot of science, and I believe in God's hand in it all. I have no idea whether or not the human race was once goo, or evolved from chimps or whatever. All I know is that whatever happened, there was a higher power involved. I do not have all the answers, no one on this planet does, but I do believe in God. I cannot see how someone cannot believe in some kind of higher power in the universe. Watch a sunrise, watch a birth, see the complexities of our bodies and how our bodies work in complete harmony and tell me that God does not exist.
Watching my kids helps to remind me of this daily, when I choose to see it that is. They show me that life is a miracle, and every moment is a miracle, to be cherished. There may be hard times, times when you feel such pain and loss, but I feel that there's a reason for everything. Maybe the reason I have sphereocytosis was to have pregnancy difficulties and have my son, CJ, be autistic. Then to have one daughter, my Nikki, and then have my tubes tied to have no more children. It's made me a more patient person, having an autistic child, and only being able to have 2 children made me cherish the ones I have more. It's shown me how miraculous having children was. I was brought here to Utah to have my son go to a school with an autistic group so he could learn and grow more. I was also brought here so that I could get help for my bipolar disorder, and to be around family that shows me everyday how much they love me, which sometimes I wonder why they do.... We were also brought here so my husband could learn a trade that will support us and keep him healthier than his last job. So many good things have happened even though I miss my home so much. God has shown me there's beauty in so many things, even though they may be different. Like the mountains here, they are beautiful and majestic, especially covered in snow. They are beautiful, even if they are very different from the mountains I know. I miss those mountains so much, but I've seen beauty here in Utah, beauty I wasn't expecting. I may forget this beauty and the miracles from time to time, I am bipolar you know, but when I do think of it, it leaves me in complete awe.
This may seem cheesy to some people who read this, but I need to say it every now and then to remind myself how wonderful life can be.
Have a miraculous day!


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