I've had a reduction!

A reduction in my headaches! Yay! I took 25 mg less of my medication last night and so far I have only a baby headache compared to what I have been having, which are atomic bomb explosions in my head. The downside, however, is that I couldn't get to sleep til after 2 am last night, and yes, I woke up this morning before 6 am. What is that? Like 4 hours of sleep? ARGH. Well, you can't have it all....I was starting not to sleep well before I reduced my dosage. Seriously though, not sleeping can make you MORE psychotic! So it should be fun to see where I go with this....
I've already had to turn down the brightness of my computer screen, because I felt the headache growing. Yep, it likes to grow. The things it likes the most is bright lights, loud noises, and me walking around, you know, being vertical, one of my favorite positions other than horizontal. *LOL* I know what you dirty minded people are thinking! I'm just so damn clever aren't I?
I really need to start walking and working out. I used to walk 5 miles a day, and work out every other day, and never felt so good in my life. I really need to get back to doing that, because that would be like self medication. I just need the motivation and the way to do it! I'm too scared to go walking outside with this snow because of my natural clumsiness, I just know I'd end up falling and breaking SOMETHING! And any other place to walk I'd have to drive there, which is pretty much impossible most days because I don't have a vehicle. I'd love to have a treadmill, but I don't have the money to buy one, and I don't have a place to put it in our tiny apartment. So that's out of the question. I guess I must wait for spring and all the snow going away. It would still be a pain in the butt to go walking because everyone who has a kid knows how long it can take to get a kid ready to go anywhere much less walking for a half an hour to an hour.
Oh well. I'll eventually get to doing it. Somehow.
Well, I better go and get my shower in before the kids wake up.


Karilynn Adams said…
Hello! We can totally go walking at the Legacy Center for 50 cents! Jess keeps trying to talk me into it but I am pretty lazy lately! Either way we could totally start doing it and I could even pick you up! What do ya think?!?!?
Jessicah said…
I should get off my lazy butt sometime and do more active things myself...I'm sorry you've had such bad headaches, I hope you start to feeling better.
Lib-Dawg said…
You've been tagged! Check out my blog and go from there! Enjoy! Later yo!

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