I've been tagged!

A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.

B. Each player answers the questions about themselves.

C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

10 Years Ago: 1998, HA! I met my husband for the first time while he was on his mission. I was working as a temp, and helping my parents move back to KY from PA.

5 Things on my To-Do List today: I don't keep to do lists, but I need to do some laundry, wash dishes, get CJ off the school bus, clean house, and stay sane!

Snacks I enjoy: potato chips, popcorn, apples, crackers.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire: build my dream home in KY somewhere. make sure all my bills was paid up for years, help all my family with their bills, ALL my family, that includes the family I married into. And of course travel!

3 of my bad habits: biting my nails, which I'm working on, eating compulsively, which I'm also working on, and loosing patience with people being jerks.

5 places I have lived: KY, PA, CA, UT. And I suppose Frostburg MD if you include summer programs. I did live there, it was just for 2 months at a time!

5 jobs I have had: Temp jobs was the best, I worked for Medrad, Eckerd health, IDL, *which was a cardboard factory, and currently I work for WALMART...UGH.

5 things people don't know about me: Ok, you asked for it! I'm double jointed, which means I can put my thumb into a weird position and I can also break bones around my joints easily because I'm too stretchy. I'm a compulsive person, I used to be a bad compulsive liar, but not anymore, it's too difficult trying to keep my stories straight! I'm a sexaholic. No need to say anymore about that! I love to daydream, and would spend all day doing it if I could. And 5, I don't like to talk on the telephone.

Okay - there you have it! Who can I tag...5 of my buddies: Vicki, Karilynn, Cristina, and I don't know who else, I don't have a lot of friends on blogger....


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Lib-Dawg said…
Wow - a Sexaholic...interesting. Thanks for the info and for playing along. Love ya!
Jessicah said…
I've been tagged too, so I guess I'll tag you again, even though you've already done it once.

Happy Valentine's Day!
Vicki Sue said…
I enjoyed reading this. Love you!!

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