When does school start again?

I'm ready for school to start again. My kids can play together really well sometimes, and then other times it's just every couple of minutes pulling them apart and playing referee to them. ARGH.
Don't get me wrong, I love my kids! But they can be a handfull at times and some days I'd like nothing more than just a little peace and quiet. Oh, and I'm constantly cleaning up after them as well. Fortunately that has been made easier because I've gotten rid of a lot of their old toys.

Anyways, I've been super bored lately, but I don't know what to do about it. I don't have a car today because my hubby couldn't get the company work truck out of our stinkin driveway. Maybe if a certain neighbor actually did the work he was getting rent taken off for!!! Anybody seen summer around? If you have let it know that I miss it!
Well, I guess I better think about something for lunch, so talk to ya later!


Karilynn said…
School starts very very soon! WOOT WOOT! We should celebrate on Monday. :o) Call me!

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